This article contains information about tummy tuck aesthetics and tummy tuck prices. tummy tuck surgery; It is the process of removing excess skin and fat in the abdomen, stretching the abdomen and giving it an aesthetic appearance again.
Abdominoplasty can be performed on both men and women. It occurs more in men as a result of excessive weight gain and loss, and in women, in addition to this, after pregnancy. With abdominal aesthetics, excess fat, sagging, damaged skin is removed and the abdomen becomes tense and flat again. After abdominal aesthetics, there is also a thinning in the waist. After the tummy tuck procedure, which is also called tummy tuck, it is tried to obtain a thin, flat, aesthetic abdominal shape as in the old youth years of the abdominal region.
Due to pregnancy, excessive weight loss, aging and many other factors, skin loosening, fat accumulation, stretch marks and stretch marks can be seen in the lower and middle part of the abdomen. The loosened and excessively lubricated skin is completely removed with abdominal surgeries. This operation is called “Aesthetic Abdominoplasty Surgery”.
Generally, deformations are seen in the abdominal wall and skin in every pregnancy, and these problems continue to increase with each birth. These shape and structure deformations in the abdominal wall and skin also lead to deterioration of navel aesthetics. The rate of deformations in the abdominal region increases in the following pregnancies with excessive weight gain and obesity as a result of excessive weight gain and loss as a result of nutritional disorders. As a result of melting in the abdominal skin, discharges and sagging accompanying cracks due to subcutaneous tears occur.
The connective tissues in the abdominal wall loosen and become protruding forward and have a bulging appearance. Abdominoplasty, which is preferred at this point, is the most effective method in terms of removing deformations that occur especially after pregnancy. However, the methods and techniques used in this surgery differ from each other. For this reason, the method is planned by establishing a doctor-patient relationship before the operation, which is included in the title of What are the Types of Abdominoplasty Surgery.
Aesthetic tummy tuck surgeries; It is performed with the aim of removing the sagging and loosening skin in the abdomen, removing the cracks, removing the excess fat and making the abdominal wall tense. As mentioned above, almost all abdominal deformations caused by weight gain and pregnancy factors are successfully eliminated as a result of this operation.
Aesthetic tummy tuck operations can be preferred by all people over the age of 18. However, whether it is suitable for tummy tuck surgery is determined by the physician. Especially those who are not obese, those who cannot melt the fat in the abdomen despite all the exercises, those who have stretch marks and loosening problems due to weight gain and loss, and those who have sagging in the abdomen as a result of pregnancy can apply for this surgery.
Although the body has an ideal aesthetic appearance, it is a surgery that can be easily applied by those who only have abdominal fat and weight problems and those who do not think of pregnancy in a short time after the operation. However, the types of surgery and the methods to be applied vary depending on the complaints and deformations mentioned above. For this reason, the title of What are the Types of Aesthetic Abdominoplasty Surgery is explained in detail under the title.
The main purpose of planning tummy tuck surgeries is which method will be used or not. For this reason, the title of What are the Types of Abdominoplasty Surgery is very important in terms of the success rate before the surgery.
In the planning of tummy tuck surgery; lubrication rate, wrapping level of the skin, loosening dimensions, weight and type of lubrication in the abdomen and lubrication problems in other regions are examined. Considering these issues, the type of surgery is determined and procedures are started for a more tense abdomen. In addition, different treatment methods can be used for aesthetic problems and weight problems experienced outside the abdomen.
There are two different methods used in tummy tuck surgeries. These surgical methods are “Mini Abdominoplasty and Full Abdominoplasty” surgeries. While determining these methods, the size of the deformations and the regions where they are located are taken into account.
If the deformations in the abdominal region and the problems that cause abdominal complaints are under the belly button, "Mini Abdominal Lift Aesthetic Surgery" is preferred. Sagging, cracks, loosening and loosening of the muscles under the belly button can be easily eliminated with this operation. In addition, if there is no relaxation and separation in the abdominal muscles, it gives a successful result.
Mini tummy tuck surgery is an operation that takes an average of 1 to 2 hours. In this method, the belly button is not affected. Cracks under the navel are removed by removing the skin along with the fat that causes sagging and loosening. Afterwards, if there is relaxation in the muscles and this relaxation is eliminated, a more tense abdomen is obtained.
Full tummy tuck surgery is slightly different from the aforementioned operation technique. Problems in full tummy tuck surgery usually develop due to the divergence of the muscles above the belly button. For this reason, bringing these muscles closer together is the main purpose of full tummy tuck surgery.
Full Abdominoplasty Aesthetic Surgery is a procedure that takes an average of 2 to 3 hours under general anesthesia. During the operation, vertical incisions are made between the upper part of the belly button and the groin area, or horizontal incisions are made depending on the size of the deformation. In line with the incisions made after these incisions, the loosening, cracks, excess fat and sagging of the skin tissue in the areas above and below the belly button are removed and stretched. A tighter abdomen emerges after this stretching procedure. As a result of this operation aimed at tightening the abdominal muscles, a more aesthetic and taut abdomen suitable for the body structure is obtained.
Women who have had tummy tuck surgery can sometimes get pregnant after tummy tuck surgery, and re-deformations may occur in the abdominal walls as a result of the effect of pregnancy. Sometimes, after tummy tuck, cracks in the abdominal skin and sagging of the abdominal wall may occur due to excessive weight gain and loss. In this case, it may become necessary to perform a second tummy tuck surgery for the second tummy tuck. The procedures for the second tummy tuck operations and the recovery process for the second tummy tuck are similar to the first tummy tuck surgeries.
Today, many people prefer some effective methods to have a healthy life, to look fit and beautiful, and to highlight some parts of their body and express themselves. As everyone knows, doing sports is one of these factors, but many people choose to lie on the operating table because they cannot see the effect or for some reasons. You can lose weight easily with both methods. In addition to the weight loss aspect of the job, one of the most curious subjects is the sagging that occurs in the body after the weight loss process. In order to prevent these sagging, tummy tuck surgery is preferred. In this section, we will talk about the things to be considered before the Aesthetic Abdominoplasty.
Abdominal area, a fit indicator of fitness and health, can give a lot of valuable information about a person's lifestyle. When it comes to weight, the first area that comes to mind for everyone is the abdomen. People who have lost certain weights resort to tummy tuck surgery in order to prevent sagging in their abdomen. Today, the developing technology has also shown a great effect in the field of medicine and has provided great benefits for people in such surgeries. Many people resort to tummy tuck surgery to eliminate sagging and problems. In this article, we will give you important information about tummy tuck surgery. You can remove the sagging you have experienced in your body without any fear and by preparing yourself psychologically with certain operations. It is very important for you to get help from known and expert people for this type of surgery.
There are some things that you and the doctor who will do the surgery have to do in order to get successful results from the pre-tummy tuck surgery. If you have excess weight before tummy tuck surgery, try to lose weight if possible and get rid of obesity. It would be nice if you could lose the excess weight by melting yourself, if you cannot achieve this, you can get nutritional support with the help of a dietitian. The easiest and simplest way to lose weight and get rid of the excess in the body is to MINIMIZE MEAL PORTIONS AND TAKE BREAKTHROUGH BETWEEN MEALS WITHOUT CHANGE YOUR NUTRITIONAL HABITS. In other words, you should not take more calories than your body needs daily.
The easiest way to determine the ideal weight before tummy tuck surgery is to know that the belly circumference measurement should be less than half of the height. For example, if your height is 160 cm and your belly circumference is below 80 cm, it can be said that you have approximately ideal body weight. Exaggerated exercise and exaggerated food restrictions to melt excess weight will increase the secretion of insulin hormone, lower blood sugar and make you feel hungry, making your job more difficult. Since every human body has a unique and unique richness, the right way to lose excess weight is to get rid of your excess weight in a period of time that does not disturb your body physiology and lifestyle. Quickly lost weight can be quickly regained by affecting your body physiology and psychology.
The best way to lose excess weight that causes obesity and to lose excess weight that causes obesity is to lose weight patiently and slowly in a time acceptable to your body and soul. Over time, the method of losing weight improves your lifestyle and changes your habits for the better, preventing the regaining of excess weight lost.
You can also get rid of stubborn abdominal fat that cannot be melted with slimming, by removing your belly fat with "liposuction", which is a fat removal technique.
In case of excess fat storage in the abdominal region in full tummy tuck surgeries, liposuction is first applied to the entire waist and abdomen. After this application, an incision is made between the pubic bones in the lower part of the abdomen so that it remains in the laundry. After this procedure, your abdominal skin is lifted from the abdomen up to the breastbone located in the upper part. The loosened abdominal muscles are tightened by suturing them on the abdominal wall. Abdominal stretching surgeries can also be performed by starting the incision process from different places, if necessary. This tightening process is applied in both the abdomen and waist region. Finally, the skin remaining in the upper region is pulled down and a new slot is opened for the navel. After full tummy tuck surgeries, your belly and waist area will be thinner and you will have a younger appearance. Abdominoplasty operations take approximately 2 hours and are performed under general anesthesia.
As with any surgery, there is a certain risk in tummy tuck surgeries. Therefore, if you have decided to have a tummy tuck surgery, do not neglect to share with your doctor all your physiological and psychological problems that you experienced before the operation. These interviews, which you will make before the tummy tuck surgery, will both relieve you psychologically and provide you with information about the problems you have experienced with your doctor. Below are the Things to Consider Before Abdominoplasty.
The Following Should Be Considered Before Aesthetic Abdominoplasty:
The points we have mentioned above are the general and foreseen issues that should be considered before the tummy tuck surgery, if you are experiencing special problems and difficulties, you should definitely benefit from the help of a specialist doctor. This is a very important issue in terms of both your health and psychological state.
The first 24 hours after tummy tuck surgery are generally comfortable, except for a slight tension in the hospital and abdomen that can be controlled with medications. In order for the abdominal region to have an aesthetically beautiful abdominal appearance, it is necessary to pay attention to some issues and to follow the recommendations suggested to you after the operation as well as before the operation. For this, it will be in your best interest to pay attention to the warnings described below.
There are issues to be considered before abdominoplasty, as well as certain issues after tummy tuck surgery. This attention will help you to heal faster and in a healthier way. It is very important for your health to pay attention to the recommendations we will give you along with the advice you will receive from your doctor. We have explained below for you the things to be considered after Abdominal Lift Aesthetics.
The Following Should Be Considered After Aesthetic Abdominoplasty:
After tummy tuck surgery, patients are usually dressed in socks called thrombosis. In addition, a urinary catheter is inserted and the healing process is followed with an abdominal corset. This process, which is under the control of a specialist doctor, varies depending on your body's resistance and healing process.
What are the Causes that Distort the Aesthetic Appearance of the Abdominal Region?
There can be many reasons for the deterioration of the abdominal wall. Sometimes these factors work together. Pregnancy, Weight gain, Loss of elasticity of the skin, Aging, may cause deterioration in the abdomen.
People who have impaired abdominal wall due to various reasons, who have completed family planning for children and who have no objection to surgery can have tummy tuck surgery.
Flat stomach and thin waist are an aesthetic image of a healthy body. It is recommended that those who are considering giving birth and losing weight postpone this surgery.
Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and in the hospital. The Operational Stages are as follows:
Resting for two days is recommended. On the third day, you can meet your basic needs. After a week, you can return to your social life and non-heavy activities. You can start your business in two weeks.
For tummy tuck aesthetics; Diabetes, overweight, excessive smoking and previous operation scars on the abdominal wall pose a risk. In these cases, the probability of encountering healing problems is higher than in normal healthy individuals.
After tummy tuck surgery, it is important not to force the stitches and to have dressings, to pay attention to the use of special corsets, and to use the medications given by your doctor regularly.
For two months, it is necessary to avoid movements that force the abdominal wall, such as lifting weights. A special corset is used for two months. The scar remains in the bikini and fades in 6-9 months.
Normal tummy tuck surgery is performed in more limited areas for smaller problems. In this surgery, unlike tummy tuck surgery, a large piece of skin is not removed. The abdominal region is corrected by taking small pieces from the necessary points.
Mini tummy tuck surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Postoperative considerations and eligibility criteria for surgery are the same as for normal tummy tuck surgery.
Fees for full tummy tuck aesthetics and mini tummy tuck prices vary depending on the degree of problem in the area and whether or not liposuction is included in the procedure. The best price information about tummy tuck surgery can be given according to the content and form of the surgery to be performed by examining the tummy tuck candidate by the doctor who will operate.
Recovery after tummy tuck surgery requires a period that cannot be accelerated with medications and requires patience and time. Please allow yourself time for your tummy tuck procedure to reach its best form and take care to follow what your doctor recommends to you.
There are some rules that people who have tummy tuck surgery after Abdominoplasty should pay attention to from the end of the operation to the conclusion of their full recovery. Following your doctor's advice will facilitate your recovery and reduce the possible risks after a tummy tuck.
The recovery process after tummy tuck surgery starts right after the operation. After the tummy tuck surgery is over, you will be awakened immediately and you will be aware of the event. During the surgery, two drains that apply negative pressure are placed in the lower abdomen to remove any blood that may be inside. Again, the dressing supporting the abdominal wall and a medical abdominal corset with snap fasteners are put on. Before the operation, after the operation, a urinary catheter is inserted that will make it easier for you to urinate and allow you to rest. You should pay attention to these, do not remove the corset, pull the resistors and the probe. These will be taken as soon as possible based on your recovery.
You will be taken to your room to rest after the surgery. When you are taken to your bed in the hospital room, a pillow is placed under your knees to reduce the tension in the abdomen and your torso is lifted up a little. The purpose of lying in this position by pulling the knees towards the abdomen and raising the rib cage is to reduce the resistance in the abdominal muscles and abdominal skin that are stretched during the surgery, thus providing less pain and allowing you to breathe more easily.
In the first week after the operation, slight pain may occur in the operation area, painkillers are used for this situation and these pains pass between 4-7 days. Burning sensation and itching at the surgical site are common discomforts.
The first hours of the operation are usually comfortable due to the local anesthetic drugs applied to the abdomen during the operation.
There may be tension in the abdomen and fatigue with the effect of anesthetic drugs, and nausea with drugs.
You should not be able to eat or drink anything for the first 4 hours because your digestive system does not work properly due to the anesthesia drugs given to you after the tummy tuck surgery. You will be supported by giving the fluid you need through the vascular access. If your lips are dry, you can wet your lips with a wet tissue and napkin, but you should not drink water or eat food for the first four hours and until you pass gas.
After 4 hours, you are allowed to drink water and take liquid foods. You are allowed to eat 6 hours after the operation. It is recommended to start the diet gradually with liquid foods. You should stay away from carbonated foods and drinks and foods that cause constipation.
After 6 hours of tummy tuck surgery, you will be lifted from your bed with the help of staff and nurses, depending on your recovery status.
When it is decided that you feel good and can go to the toilet with support, your urine catheter is withdrawn.
It should be noted how much blood spilled from your resistors while spilling. You should also make sure that the negative pressure of the resistors is constantly active. If you have a relative with you, you should check the drains and warn the nurse if the pressure drops.
Your knee joints should be used while bending and getting up and care should be taken not to increase the intra-abdominal pressure.
Your first control will be done after 1 day according to your doctor's recommendation and if the amount of blood coming from the drains has decreased, the drains are removed. You will not feel much discomfort during this procedure. The resistors can be left in place for a few days, sometimes a little longer.
On the first day after the operation, with the permission of your doctor, your first control day is determined and you can go home as a battalion from the hospital.
Things to Consider in the First 1 Month After Tummy Tuck Aesthetics
You should stay away from gas-producing foods and drinks for the first 1 month after tummy tuck surgery. In addition, you should stay away from a diet that can make you constipated, and you should avoid movements that increase intra-abdominal pressure, such as straining and flattening your abdomen.
In case of severe pain and swelling in the abdomen, the doctor should be consulted.
Depending on your wound healing status, your doctor may allow you to enter the pool and sea from the 2nd week.
After the 2nd week of the operation, you can massage the abdominal area. You can also benefit from helpful aesthetic applications that will support your recovery.
In order for the scar to heal well after the operation, you should use the scar cream that your doctor will give you as described and for the duration.
It will be good to stay away from activities that force the abdominal wall, such as lifting weights and straining, which increase abdominal pressure, for the first 3 months after abdominal aesthetic surgery.
You can go home on the same day after mini tummy tuck surgery, on the first day after full tummy tuck surgery, after discharge from the hospital.
6 hours after mini tummy tuck surgery, you can meet your basic needs such as toilet and food on the next day of full stretching plastic surgery without help.
The next day after mini tummy tuck surgery, you can sit and watch TV on your stomach and spend time in front of the computer. You can walk around the house.
In full tummy tuck aesthetics, on the 2nd day of the operation, you can sit and watch TV, sit at the computer desk for short periods of time and read a book without creating tension in the abdomen.
You can take short walks one day after the mini tummy tuck and two days after the full tummy tuck.
On the 3rd day after mini tummy tuck surgery, you can go out and take short walks in parks and shopping malls.
On the 4th day after the full tummy tuck surgery, you can go to the park and engage in short-distance activities that are not tiring and do not strain the abdominal muscles.
You can return to your social life that does not require physical strength in the 1st week of full and mini tummy tuck aesthetics.
After the mini tummy tuck surgery, office work can be started on the 5th day of the surgery.
After the full tummy tuck surgery, non-strenuous work can be started in the first week of the surgery.
Women who have a full tummy tuck surgery are allowed to work, if possible, after the 10th day of the operation, provided that they avoid movements that will increase the abdominal pressure.
Those who work in challenging jobs such as pushing and lifting weights should start their work as late as possible after tummy tuck surgery. They should determine the date of surgery and rest periods after surgery, taking into account their leave and lifestyle.
It is strongly recommended that women whose abdomen is stretched by suturing their muscles during abdominal aesthetics and thus thinning at the waist, should use medical corsets that support the abdomen for the first 1.5 months and avoid physical activities that increase intra-abdominal pressure and cause strain on the abdominal wall. For this, liquid foods should be taken, which is a diet that will not be constipated, and carbonated drinks and gas-forming foods should be avoided.
It is recommended that people who have a tummy tuck after aesthetic tummy tuck surgery do not do sports that require heavy physical strength for 3 months. In particular, sports that require weight lifting should definitely be avoided.
The abdomen will take its ideal shape after 6 months and the swelling due to the surgery will disappear.
The fact that the suture marks become more obscure differs from person to person. It takes between 1 year and 2 years for tummy tuck scars to heal completely and become less noticeable, depending on the wound healing speed and quality of people.
The scars left after tummy tuck surgery are not in a size and shape that will disturb the person. The scars are planned to be hidden under the underwear in the form of a white line. With the disappearance of the abdominal aesthetic suture scars, the entire healing process will be completed.
One of the most common mistakes made by people who will have tummy tuck surgery; The doctor who will perform the tummy tuck surgery is interested in the price of tummy tuck surgery, regardless of his personal skills, knowledge and experience. The result of the surgery should be considered before the price of the once-in-a-lifetime tummy tuck aesthetic.
Abdominoplasty Aesthetics Fee is an important criterion in choosing the doctor who will perform the surgery and it is the stage where the most common mistake is made. The most important mistake made by those who will have tummy tuck surgery; Abdominoplasty, which is one of the surgeries of aesthetic surgery with high patient satisfaction, can result in disappointment when it is not performed with the appropriate technique and experienced hands. First of all, looking at the price criterion is about not understanding the seriousness of the business. To explain this in the simplest way; Even when buying any item, you first like it and then you find out the price, if you don't like it, you don't even ask for the price.
Every day on the internet about the prices of tummy tuck aesthetics; tummy tuck prices, tummy tuck surgery prices, tummy tuck prices, tummy tuck surgery prices, aesthetic tummy tuck surgery fees, tummy tuck price, tummy tuck fees, mini tummy tuck prices, mini tummy tuck prices, mini tummy tuck surgery fees, how much is tummy tuck, how much is tummy tuck, how much is tummy tuck, how much is tummy tuck, how much is tummy tuck, best tummy tuck prices, tummy tuck prices, the most affordable tummy tuck prices, seasonal aesthetics, price per year Thousands of searches are made in the form of hospitals abdominal aesthetic prices, doctor abdominal aesthetics prices, abdominal aesthetics prices in Istanbul, aesthetic abdomen prices, belly aesthetics price, abdominal skin sagging surgery price, abdominal skin crack correction fees, abdominal skin scars correction prices, belly sagging correction fee.
The prices of tummy tuck surgery may vary depending on the doctor performing the tummy tuck surgery, the hospital where the surgery is performed, the city where the tummy tuck is performed, the quality of the materials used in the tummy tuck surgery, and the quality of the medical corset worn after the surgery. It is difficult to evaluate aesthetic surgeries financially. Because these are artistic procedures that vary according to doctors and require special knowledge and skills. The person undergoing surgery is also a unique and unique being. The result is that when different doctors operate on the same person, the results will be different, and the results of different patients of the same doctor will be different.
The following basic calculation in Istanbul can give you an approximate idea of how much tummy tuck surgery will cost. The doctor's office expenses affect the surgery by at least 2 thousand liras. Hospital costs can start from about two thousand liras and go up to five thousand liras. If you add the doctor's manual labor on top of these, you will have an idea of a belly aesthetic and tummy tuck surgery price.
Abdominoplasty prices also vary according to the tummy tuck technique to be performed. For example, if the price of mini tummy tuck surgery, which takes only 45 minutes, is compared with the cost of full tummy tuck, which can take up to two to 3 hours, it is clear that the prices of mini and full tummy tuck surgery will be different.
The best price information about the price of tummy tuck can be given by examining the tummy tuck candidate. Your plastic surgeon who will operate on you about the tummy tuck fee; He will inform you in detail about the tummy tuck surgery technique he is considering for you, the brand of the medical corset he recommends, and its quality. It will also inform you about the hospital you will be operated on and its costs, the price of the corset you need to use after tummy tuck surgery, and whether it is included in the tummy tuck fee.
Your aesthetic surgeon, who will perform your abdominal aesthetic procedure, can give you the most appropriate price information about the Abdominal Lift Surgery Price by examining you. During your tummy tuck interview with your doctor; Is there an examination fee?, Is there a fee for post-operative check-ups? etc. you should ask everything that comes to your mind in a way that you can understand clearly and clearly without getting bored. DOCTORS DO NOT JUDGE OR CLAUSE YOU; They accept you as you are. If they fully inform and enlighten you, it will make it easier for you to make a decision and they will be as happy to make you happy as you are.
Hope your decision will add beauty to your life…
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