Before Nose Surgery

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Issues to be Considered Before Surgery

Knowing what to do before rhinoplasty is necessary to get good results from rhinoplasty. It is important for you to comply with your doctor's recommendations on the preparation of Aesthetic Nose Surgery and for the Nose Operation process to be healthy and comfortable.

Many problems encountered after surgery occur as a result of patients not knowing these recommendations well or considering them unimportant.

It would be in your best interest to read the topics described below and consult your doctor for more detailed information.

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Spiritual Preparation

Nose surgeries are operations that make significant changes in facial appearance. Having a rhinoplasty in a time that is not wavy helps you make healthy decisions. Before Aesthetic Nose Surgery, I do Nose Design, which gives every patient an idea about the possible outcome of the surgery. The design helps them relax.

What should be the realistic expectation from rhinoplasty?

There is nothing more natural than people who will have rhinoplasty want the best and most beautiful rhinoplasty results for them. All doctors also show the necessary care to achieve the best result of rhinoplasty. Just as the results of the same rhinoplasty specialist are not the same for every nose, the results will be different when different rhinoplasty specialists operate on the same patient.

Aesthetic nose surgery is an artistic work that cannot be imitated. Rhinoplasty is like a work of art that the surgeon who performs the surgery combines his knowledge with manual dexterity. It is therefore unrealistic to expect the results to be similar and identical. A good rhinoplasty should provide results that offer the best appearance and breathing for your face, not someone else's.

In Rhinoplasty Operations, you cannot replace your old nose with the best one by removing it. But since things are made from the nose you have, you MUST BE MATURE TO ACCEPT THE TRUTH WHILE WISHING PERFECTION.

No rhinoplasty will be worse than before in the hands of an experienced and talented aesthetic doctor.

Physical Preparation

Those with chronic diseases such as diabetes, thyroid, asthma and anemia should consult with their doctors before the operation, renew their examinations and find out if they are ready for an operation to be performed under General Anesthesia.

It will be healthy to undergo plastic surgery when you are at your best mentally and physically.

There are many drugs and substances known as "Blood Thinners" that change the bleeding coagulation mechanism. Some of these are those:

Aspirin etc. Medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain relievers should not be used. (Painkillers containing paracetamol can be used.)
Green tea, lemon juice
cayenne pepper, blueberry
fish oil capsules
Gingo Biloba pills
licorice root
Vitamin E
St. John's Wort
Medications and nutritional supplements with blood-thinning effects should be discontinued at least 2 weeks before Nasal Aesthetics and should not be consumed again until 2 weeks after the operation.

If you need to use a medicine before the nose surgery, it is useful to inform your doctor and act accordingly.

Drugs Used

The doctor should be informed about the medications used for blood pressure, sugar and thyroid, and they should be used on the morning of the surgery and the next day, according to the doctor's recommendation.

Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills increase the risk of clot formation in the leg veins due to the hormones they contain. The formation of a clot in the legs during the operation and the travel of this clot to the pulmonary vessels can lead to serious complications.

For this reason, it is beneficial to discontinue birth control pills (oral contraceptives) at least 1 month before the date of surgery and to have a menstrual period.

Thrombophlebitis etc. in leg veins before. If there is a history of the disease, the doctor should be informed.

Pregnancy Prevention

The safety of some drugs used during anesthesia in pregnant women has not been tested and may be considered objectionable. For this reason, female patients should take the necessary precautions to avoid getting pregnant in the period between the last menstrual period and the date of surgery.

Immune Status

Adequate sleep and healthy nutrition are important for the normal immune system before rhinoplasty. Harmful activities and habits that can suppress the immune system should be avoided. You should be careful not to make your surgery coincide with a period when you are very tired and stressed.

You should not consume drugs and alcohol. You should not be following very strict and one-sided diets. It is beneficial to have regular sleep in the days before the surgery.


Smoking, etc., which adversely affects lung respiratory functions and healing of tissues. It is of great benefit to take a break from nicotine-containing substances at least 1 week before the surgery. If you can't quit, even reducing the amount used will be helpful.

Healthy Nutrition Before Nose Surgery

A balanced diet should be applied before rhinoplasty. Natural fiber and easily digestible foods should be preferred. Plenty of liquids should be taken. Caffeinated beverages, refined foods, excessive sugary carbohydrates and alcohol should not be used. Ready-made canned or canned foods should be avoided.

Fresh vegetables and fruits, eggs, fish, legumes, nuts and whole wheat bread should be preferred. More attention should be paid to food poisoning, foods that are sold in the open or ordered from outside should not be consumed.

Fasting Time Before Surgery

Before nose surgery, the stomach must be empty. Food in a full stomach may cause serious complications such as nausea, vomiting and escaping of stomach contents into the windpipe during waking up after surgery. Therefore, easy to digest and watery foods should be consumed the night before the surgery.

Eating and drinking must be stopped 6 HOURS BEFORE THE SURGERY. Before rhinoplasty, it should be like ORUCLU.

It is not desirable for the stomach to remain empty for more than 8 hours. Because in cases of long-term hunger, gastric juice does not empty from the stomach, it accumulates in the stomach and may cause nausea and vomiting after surgery. Therefore, if necessary, the clock should be set and alight should be taken and a light meal should be taken.

If you have not woken up on time and a food has not been taken, and if there is less than 8 hours left before the operation, then food should not be consumed.

Evening Before Rhinoplasty

Take a warm shower, spend the evening resting and go to bed on time.

Nose Surgery Morning

If there is a medicine that you need to take in the morning, within the knowledge of your doctor, take it.
Take off your contact lenses
Remove necklaces, piercings, jewelry or metal hairpins
Make sure there is no make-up on your face, do not apply nail polish on your nails.

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