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Breast implants made of silicone have been used in thousands of women for decades. As a result of today's clinical knowledge and experience, our current knowledge is that, with a few exceptions, breast implants do not have any significant side effects.

In the treatment of breast enlargement in men, after breast reduction surgery, a half-moon-shaped incision is made on the skin border with the nipple-colored tissue. Since this entryway is the transition area from dark skin to light skin, the scar is hardly noticeable. The scar fades and becomes indistinct over time.

Male breast enlargement correction surgery is usually comfortable. This operation does not require hospitalization unless there is an unusual situation. There may be a mild pain that can be controlled with medication for the first day or two. You can return to normal life after a few days.

The recovery process after breast lift surgery may differ depending on the content of aesthetic breast recovery and breast lift surgery.  In order to recover quickly and comfortably after breast lift surgery, it is important to actively participate in breast care, use your medications regularly and follow your doctor's recommendations.

As with all aesthetic surgeries, whether it is breast lift aesthetics with silicone or breast lift recovery surgery without silicone; paying attention to hygiene and cleanliness after the operation, care of the breast dressings on the chest; keeping it clean and dry is a necessity to prevent the development of infection.

After Breast Lift Surgery, especially in surgeries where breast lift aesthetics are performed with breast silicone, although the healing process is a bit troublesome in the first days, it is usually fast and it is easy to recover quickly and return to your normal life. In terms of recovery time after aesthetic breast lift surgery, you can return to your social life on the third day and start your office work on the fifth day. Although there is some excitement before the breast lift, it is usually comfortable after the surgery, except for the pressure felt on the breast. Please give yourself time for your new breasts to reach their most beautiful state.

What is the Aftermath of Breast Lift Surgery?

The first 6-hour early period of breast lift surgery is usually very comfortable in the hospital.

Whether it is Breast Lift Surgery with Aesthetic Silicone or Breast Lift Surgery without Silicone; the first 6 hours of breast lift surgeries are usually painless due to the local anesthetic drugs applied to the breast tissue during the operation. If there is a slight tingling due to tension, it can be controlled with medication.

  • 6 hours after the breast lift surgery, you can go home as a discharge from the hospital with the permission of your doctor. Sometimes you may need to stay in the hospital for 1 night.
  • There may be a feeling of tension, pressure and fullness starting 6 to 8 hours after breast lift surgery. For these, regular use of painkillers given to you by your doctor will relieve your pain.
  • In the first two days of breast lift surgery with silicone breast prosthesis, there may be a varying amount of pain that varies according to the person. These pains can be reduced and alleviated with the medications given by your doctor. The pain decreases from the third day and improves after 5 to 7 days.
  • In all breast lift surgeries with silicone prosthesis, there is swelling called edema, which varies according to the person in the first two days. These swellings begin to subside from the 3rd day.
  • Some women with silicone breast lift surgery may have bruising and hardness around the breast. These hard and purple areas heal spontaneously within a few weeks.

Opening of Breast Lift Aesthetic Dressings

Your dressing is removed on the 4th day of breast lift surgery. This period may vary according to the preference of the doctor who performed your surgery. It is recommended that you follow the recommendations of the doctor who performed your surgery. When your breast dressing is opened, you may not like the first breast appearance. The skin of your breast may have swelling and bruises around the breast. Especially the first appearance of submuscular prostheses may not be good and the pain may be a little more than anterior muscle silicone prostheses. But it should not be forgotten that these are temporary and in the late period, the beautiful appearance of submuscular implants is longer lasting than anterior muscle implants.

In breast lift surgeries with silicone implants, you should regularly use the cream recommended by your doctor on the wound where the breast implants are placed. You may be asked to use a moisturizing cream for the first week or two. From the 2nd week after the skin wound is closed and healing is completed, you should use a scar cream recommended by your doctor. You should apply the scar cream regularly in the morning and evening for at least 3 months. Regular use of scar cream for at least 3 months, sometimes 6 months after breast lift supports the healing of the scar on the skin of the breast lift procedure in a more indistinct way.

Breast Massage and Use of a Medical Bra

I show breast massage to all my patients who have undergone breast lift surgery with silicone breast prosthesis surgery on the 5th to 7th days when their pain decreases or disappears. I ask them to do these regularly for three months, every day at certain intervals in the manner and duration I show them. You can get help from your spouses about breast massage from the second week of your breast silicone lift surgery; you can ask them to give you a breast massage. I am sure they will do your breast massage with love and pleasure.

Breast massage minimizes the capsule formation that develops around the silicone prosthesis after breast silicone surgeries and breast lift surgery and if it is exaggerated, it distorts the shape of the breasts. Regular massage can support the formation of a good capsule and prevent the deterioration of your wonderful breasts.

After silicone aesthetic breast lift surgery, your doctor may ask you to use a medical bra or sports bra. It is important that you wear these bras in accordance with your doctor's advice in order to have a good recovery from your breast lift surgery.

I wear the medical bra over the breast dressing at the end of breast augmentation surgery for my patients who have undergone Breast Lift with Silicone Breast Prosthesis and I ask them to use it for at least 1 to 2 months. Medical bras may be a little more expensive than sports bras. But medical bras designed in accordance with breast structure and anatomy and compatible with human body ergonomics are very useful after Breast Lift Surgery. The special braided fibers of medical bras support your breasts during arm and body movements. It alleviates your pain by keeping breast movements within the desired limits. During your breathing and physical movements, the special braided fibers of the medical bra support breast healing by massaging your breasts.

I wear the medical bra as a gift to all my patients who have undergone breast augmentation, breast lift, breast lift and breast reduction surgery immediately after the operation and I recommend them to wear it for 2 to 3 months if they do not get bored for at least 1 month.

Shower, Bath, Pool and Sea after Breast Lift Surgery 

On the 4th day after your breast dressing is opened, you can take a shower and bath if your doctor allows. After breast lift surgery, it takes two weeks for the skin wound to heal completely and gain protective properties. You should not enter the sea and pool in terms of infection risk after breast lift surgery with breast silicone. In this regard, you should get the permission of the doctor who performed your breast lift surgery. Swimming in the sea and pool is allowed after the skin wound healing is completed. This period may vary between people depending on the rate of wound healing. Permission to swim in the sea and pool may take about two weeks or more.

When you start swimming in the sea and pool, you should protect your breast skin from the harmful rays of the sun for 2 months. To do this, you can use a sunscreen cream with a protective factor of over 30 at least 15 minutes before you start sunbathing. You may need to repeat the sunscreen if

  • If more than 4 hours have passed after applying the cream and you continue to be exposed to the sun
  • If you sweat a lot
  • If you have taken a shower
  • If you have changed clothes
  • You should reapply it after going in and out of the sea and pool, as it may lose its properties.

Returning to Social Activities after Breast Lift Aesthetics

There may be a difference in the time to return to social activities after breast lift with silicone and breast lift without silicone.

On the 1st day after breast lift surgery with silicone breast implants, it is recommended that you rest on your bed except for your basic needs.
After the 2nd hour after breast lift surgery without silicone implants, you can stand up for your basic needs and if your doctor allows, you can be discharged after 6 hours and go home. You can take light walks on the 2nd day after breast lift without silicone.
On the 2nd day after breast lift surgery, you can return to your social activities that are not too tiring. You can read books, newspapers, magazines, watch television and spend time at the computer.
On the third day of breast lift surgery with breast implants, you can take short walks that are not tiring and start external social activities such as visiting shopping malls and parks.
On the 4th day of breast lift surgery, you will go to your doctor's office for dressing. The fourth day of breast lift surgery is the big day and you will see the shape of your new breasts naked for the first time.

When Can I Start Working After Breast Lift?

If silicone is not implanted in the breast lift aesthetic procedure, office work that does not require excessive effort can be started on the 3rd day of the surgery.
Women who have undergone breast lift with breast prosthesis can start office work that is not too tiring and does not require excessive physical effort on the 5th day of breast implant surgery.
It will be more appropriate to start heavy work that requires manual weight lifting and physical strength after at least 10 days after breast lift surgery. This period may vary according to the recovery status of the individuals.

Starting Physical Activities After Breast Lift Aesthetics

Women who undergo breast lift with breast implants can take long walks from the 1st week of breast lift surgery with implants.
They can do brisk walking and jogging from the 2nd week of breast lift surgery. They can swim in the sea and pool with the permission of their doctor.
From the 3rd week of breast lift surgeries with prosthesis, they can do jobs that require heavy physical strength.
Women who have breast implants inserted into their breast tissues during breast lift surgeries can start sportive games with high arm movement such as tennis and heavy sports that require arm strength from the 4th week after breast implant insertion.
Sauna, solarium and steam bath can be used from the 2nd month after breast lift surgery.

Today, there are many surgical and non-surgical methods of breast aesthetics. However, breast aesthetic surgery; In addition to offering a much more reliable operation process compared to non-surgical methods, it also shows a permanent effect. For this reason, many women today prefer breast aesthetic surgeries.

Before undergoing breast aesthetic surgery, the person to be operated on undergoes a detailed examination process. In this process, in addition to physical examination and blood tests, radiological imaging such as X-ray, ultrasound and mammography are also utilized.

The procedures that can be applied in breast aesthetics are breast augmentation, breast reduction and breast lift applications. Depending on the person's desire and breast size, which procedure or procedures will be performed is decided during the surgical planning.

In order to have breast aesthetics, it is necessary to be over the age of 18 and not to have any health problems. There is no obstacle for 18-year-olds to have breast aesthetics both legally and physiologically.

Breast aesthetic applications are very long-lasting, detailed and comprehensive operations. For this reason, general anesthesia is needed in these surgeries.

Nowadays, the scars of the stitches applied after breast aesthetic surgeries can heal to the extent that they cannot be seen visibly over time. However, it should not be forgotten that this situation depends on the experience of the doctor and the skin structure.

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