Causes of Dropped Nose Tip

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NOSE DROPPING occurs as a result of the shift of the nose type, which is the tip of the nose and the highest part of the nose, from the level of the ridge of the nose to a lower level. As a result of the nasal tip drop, the angle between the nose and the lip decreases below 90 degrees. As a result, Low Nose Tip condition occurs and the golden aesthetic ratio between the nose and the lip is deteriorated. People with a dropped nose look older, tired and unhappy than they are.

Low Nose Tip can also be in the natural structure of the nose. Or, it may be due to environmental factors that negatively affect the development of the nose, such as trauma, accident and blow, experienced in the early stages of life and before the age of 18. One of the most common causes of nasal tip drooping is; It occurs as a result of removing unnecessary and excess tissue with nose surgeries. As a result of inexperienced and exaggerated surgical interventions and the deterioration of the natural structure and support of the nasal tip, it appears as sagging and elongation of the nasal tip and descending towards the lip.

The tip of the nose is the most protruding and traumatized part of the nose. Therefore, nasal tip drop is a common problem.

What are the Causes of Low Nose Tip?

Nasal Tip Drop Causes can occur due to many factors. In order to understand the problem of low nasal tip, the structure of the nasal tip should be well known.

nose tip; It consists of skin, subcutaneous soft tissue, cartilage and internal mucosa. The nasal cartilages consist of two semi-flexible "n"-shaped cartilages that form the roof of the nostrils. The uppermost junction of these cartilages makes the tip of the nose.

Acquired or developmental causes that disrupt the normal structure of the nasal tip may appear as the cause of nasal tip droop.

Low nasal tip may be due to:

Removal of unnecessary and excess nasal cartilage and bone during nose surgeries

Nasal cartilage and bone fractures due to impacts and traumas

Thin and weak nasal cartilages

Thick nasal skin and excess subcutaneous soft tissue compress the weak nasal cartilages

An increase in the 30-degree angle between the nasal cartilages

Deterioration of nasal cartilage development due to cleft lip and palate

Deterioration of the cartilage support of the tip of the nose due to reasons such as burns and inflammation

Correctly determining the cause of droopy nose is important for an effective NOSE LIFT Surgery.

How to Identify Low Nose Tip?

Normally, there is a 90 degree angle between the tip of the nose and the upper lip. When the tip of the nose falls, this angle becomes smaller and falls below ninety degrees. As a result, the tip of the nose gets closer to the upper lip. When viewed from the side, it can be easily noticed with the naked eye in cases where the nasal tip is high. It is not necessary to be an expert to see and understand the low nasal tip on the nose photos and nose pictures taken from the full side of people with low nasal tip. The vast majority of patients with low nasal tip apply to my office, understanding their problems.

Low Nose Tip Makes People Look Old, Tired and Unhappy!

The low nose tip gives the human face a tired look. The brain stores the symbols it sees, adding meaning and value to them for later use in similar situations. For example, a bald person looking older than their peers is related to brain perception. As the age progresses, the nasal cartilages weaken and the nasal tip skin and soft tissue structure deteriorates. As a result, the tip of the nose elongates and falls. This is embedded in people's collective memory. The low nasal tip problem seen in young people causes them to look old, tired and unhappy compared to their peers of similar age.

How is the Evaluation of Low Nose Tip Performed?

I see that the vast majority of patients who apply to my office with the problem of droopy nasal tip, actually have problems with other parts of the nose. The tip of the nose should not be evaluated alone. The face of people with nasal tip complaints should be examined as a whole. If there are problems in other nasal parts, a nasal tip lift surgery should be recommended together with a full nose job for a better result by talking to the rhinoplasty candidate.

The nose tip angle is closely related to the lip. If there is no harmony between these two structures, the balance in the middle of the face is disturbed. The nasal tip droop closes the upper lip distance and hides the lip aesthetics. It is seen that lip aesthetics improve with the correction of the nose tip angle.

Nose Tip; It is the most striking part of the nose and this area is very important from an aesthetic point of view. Nose Tip Aesthetics is the most important area of nose surgery that requires the most skill and care. Nasal tip aesthetics is often performed as a part of aesthetic nose surgery. The success of aesthetic nose surgeries can be evaluated by looking at the tip of the nose.

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