Eyelid Lift Surgery

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The eye is the area where the first communication with the outside world is established on the human face. Just as we perceive all the elements of the external world with our eyes, the elements in the external world perceive us first with our eyes. In this respect, we can say that the eye is the most striking part of the face.

The eye area is very sensitive as well as attracting attention. In terms of both aesthetic appearance and functional functioning, deformations in the sensitive area of ​​our face, eyes, and eyelids affect the external appearance of the person and may cause some problems.

What is Eyelid Aesthetics?

Eyelid aesthetics are applications that aim to provide a younger appearance by eliminating the sagging of the eyelids due to various reasons.

In eyelid aesthetics, excess skin, muscle and fat on the eyelid are removed at the desired rate, and sagging on the eyelids that will affect the visual angle is treated. Otherwise, excess fat collected under and above the eyelids creates pressure on the upper parts of the eyelids and causes bags to form just on the upper eyelid. The sagging that occurs as a result of the accumulation of excess fat causes effects that cause an older appearance around the eyes. With these sagging, the viewing angle of the eye organ, whose main function is to see, is limited. In particular, eyelid sagging, which causes the upper and outer parts of our visual field to be limited, can be eliminated with eyelid aesthetic applications, vision problems can be reduced and a younger appearance can be achieved in the eye area.

Especially in children, droopy eyelids can cause eyelid laziness over time. In this regard, in some cases, droopy eyelids should not be evaluated only as an aesthetic appearance, but early intervention should be provided.

What are the factors that cause eyelid drooping?

The factors that cause complaints in the person on the eyelid can be listed as follows;

  • Genetic factors; They are the innate effects that make up the eye structure of the person. A person may have congenitally low eyelid due to genetic factors, and this may cause problems both aesthetically and functionally after a certain period of time. In the same direction, the person may not have a congenitally low eyelid, but may have an eye structure or the skin around the eyes where serious sagging may occur over time.
  • Aging; The eyes are the points where the effects of time manifest themselves most strikingly in people. With the realization of the effect of many factors over time, sagging may occur around the eyes. This abundance, which occurs as a result of the relaxation of the muscles around the eyes, brings along the sagging of the skin. With aging, stretching due to loss of elasticity in the eyelids, muscle relaxation due to stretching means that the effects of elapsed time are clearly manifested in the eye area. Aging is the main factor for applying to eyelid aesthetics, causing a more tired and exhausted appearance around the eyes of the person.
  • Gravity; It is the factor that causes sagging and loss of elasticity around the sensitive eye area to occur faster. Gravity, which has the most important effect on the formation of signs of aging, causes deformation in a whole facial expression and especially around the eyes.
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption; constitute the main factors of unhealthy nutrition and life. Cigarette consumption, in particular, causes serious damage to the entire skin structure, and this damage occurs even more in the very sensitive eye area. These most basic harmful habits have a negative impact on the regeneration potential of the person's body and skin, causing sagging of the eyelids.

How is Eyelid Aesthetics Performed?

Eyelid aesthetics or Blepharoplasty operations, as it is called in the medical literature, are operations performed by applying local, that is, regional anesthesia. The patient is awake but not sensitive to any pain. Some minor discomfort or discomfort may be felt during the operation.

The normal duration of the operation may take up to 2 hours, it varies according to the cause and size of the eyelid drooping in the person. Entry is made through surgical incisions made just below the eyelashes on the lower eyelid and at the points where natural scratches occur on the upper eyelid. The eyelid, muscle and skin tissue are separated from each other and the fat tissues are removed along with the skin and muscle tissues that are found to be excessive. Necessary corrections are made in adipose tissues.

While all adipose tissues were removed in the past, due to the complete removal of adipose tissues and the increase in the eye sockets at later ages, corrections with advanced techniques are applied today. After all the necessary procedures are completed, the surgical incisions that are closed with as thin as possible sutures are dressed.

Why is Eyelid Aesthetics Needed?

Eyelid aesthetics can be applied to the lower or upper eyelids, and the complaints in the eye area are evaluated based on the factors that also affect the visual angle of the eye. The reasons for needing eyelid aesthetics can be listed as follows;

  • In diseases of the eyelid skin; in cases where cholesterol crystals accumulate on the skin, in case of obvious scars formed by capillaries, or in deformations around the eyes after tumor surgeries.
  • In sagging and bagging of the eyelids; The muscles and fat sacs in the eye bed, including the eyelids, may lose their elasticity with the effect of various factors over time, causing sagging. In cases where we have discussed the factors one by one above, a tired and old appearance may occur around the eyes of the person. These deformations that occur in the eyelids can cause concerns in terms of aesthetic appearance and may cause eyelid aesthetics to be applied.
  • Functional deformations of the eyelid; It can bring about situations that affect the quality and angle of vision in the person. The eye provides a more qualified visual function with the protective and angular effects of the eyelids. The sagging of the eyelids, which provide our vision, over time, can create a curtain in front of the eyes with the pressure it creates, and this situation can bring along the problem of eyelid laziness, especially in children, if it is not treated in time.
  • eyelid wrinkles; especially aesthetic concerns. As a result of wrinkles on the lower or upper eyelids, the person may feel older and tired when he looks in the mirror. These wrinkles, which cannot be seen independently of factors such as gravity and aging, may cause aesthetic concerns in the person and cause the need for eyelid aesthetics.

Problems around the eyelids usually begin to appear between the ages of 30-35 and the size of these problems increases over time.

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