Burun İyileşme Süresi

Recovery after rhinoplasty cannot be accelerated by external intervention and drugs. Aesthetic Nose Surgery Recovery is a long process, it takes time. After the rhinoplasty operation, significant edema and swelling in the nose decrease in 5 to 7 days. If bruises occur around the eyes, nose and cheeks, it takes 2 to 3 weeks to pass. It may take 6 to 12 months for thin-skinned noses and 1 to 2 years for thick-skinned noses for the nose to fully heal and take its final shape. Careful preparation before the surgery, careful nose care after rhinoplasty and compliance with the recommendations will contribute to the health progress of the nose healing process. For a good nose that looks beautiful and breathes comfortably, you should know that what you do is important as well as the care of the doctor, and you should give yourself time for your new nose to reach its most beautiful shape.

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How to Prepare for Surgery Before Nose Aesthetics?

The nose is an organ that has both functional and visual importance. For this reason, rhinoplasty surgery aims not only to improve the visual appearance, but also to eliminate the breathing problem. With rhinoplasty operation, deformities in the nose and physical and functional disorders that cause difficulty in breathing are also corrected. The important thing is; It is not a standard nose surgery, but a natural nose shape that is suitable for the patient's needs and face, as well as providing comfortable nasal breathing with comfortable breathing.

Patients apply to aesthetic nose surgeons with various complaints; such as excessively large nose, wide nose, arched nose, short nose, wide nostrils, crooked nose, low nasal tip. What can be done is mutually discussed and the most suitable surgery is planned in line with their expectations. During the interview, the general health status of the patients is also evaluated. Although there is no definite age limit, it is recommended to be 18 years old.

What is the Recovery Process After Nose Aesthetic Surgery?

Recovery after rhinoplasty is not accelerated by external intervention and medications. Aesthetic nose surgery recovery is a long process and requires patience and time. Rhinoplasty surgery recovery is completed in a period of 6 months to 1 year in thin-skinned noses. This period may take a period of time ranging from 1 to 2 years in noses with thick nose skin. Please give yourself time to reach the best state of your nose.

Although there is some excitement before rhinoplasty surgery, it is usually comfortable after rhinoplasty. After the surgery, you can go home on the same day or the next day after being discharged from the hospital. Sometimes you may need to stay in the hospital overnight. You should not eat or drink anything for 4-6 hours after nose surgery. You can wet your lips for dryness that may occur in your mouth. It is recommended to start the diet with light watery foods. There is not much pain after nose surgery. If complaints such as mild pain, nausea and vomiting occur, they can be controlled with drugs. Resting your head high will reduce your troubles. There may be a slight bloody oozing from the nose in the first two days after rhinoplasty. You should spend the first two days after the operation resting. On the third day, you can return to your daily activities that are not too strenuous if you wish. It is the most important rule to protect the nose from impacts at the end of the operation and to protect the nose from harsh traumas such as pinching, pulling, blowing by hand in the first two months. MOUTH SHOULD BE OPEN IN sneezing that is reflexive and cannot be prevented. Intranasal care can be done with soft blowing breath and sea water.

When Do Nose Swelling and Edema Go away?

After plastic surgery, there are more or less swellings in all noses and around the eyes. After rhinoplasty, the application of cold ice around the eyes for 10 to 15 minutes per hour for the first three days reduces swelling. Swelling around the nose peaks in the first three days and starts to decrease after the third day. 5 to 7 days after the nasal intervention, there is no significant edema and the swelling will be reduced to a large extent. While it takes 6 to 12 months for the edema in the nose to completely go down and the nose to take its final shape, this period is longer in individuals with thick nasal skin and can take up to 1 to 2 years. In terms of the reduction of nasal swelling, the eye area heals first. Then the middle of the nose, the middle of the nose and then the part of the nose close to the eyebrows, and finally the nasal tip edema.

Recovery after rhinoplasty takes time and requires patience. Your first control after rhinoplasty will be on the 10th day, and at the end of this period, you will have recovered to a large extent. In this control, the soft silicone tubes in the nose and the thermoplastic splint on it are removed. You may not get used to your first look because of the swelling and you may not even like it. Swelling on your face will be greatly reduced in 3 to 5 days. If bruises occur, they will go away on their own within two weeks. You should not wear glasses for the first 2 months. It will take a year for your nose to take its final shape. Healing is a long process that cannot be accelerated and requires patience and time. Please give yourself time to get used to your new face.

Human bodies respond differently to injury and healing. Every body cell organization creates a unique and special structure unlike any other. That's why each body reacts differently to the same or similar events. Although people's faces consist of the same structures, they have a unique richness that is never alike. Since no two faces and noses are alike, the results will be different.

How is the Recovery Quality of the Surgery After Rhinoplasty Evaluated?

After the recovery is completed;

If those who do not know you before the operation do not notice the change in your nose
If someone who saw you years ago but doesn't know you well says there's been a change in you, but doesn't know what it is
When you look at yourself in the mirror and think that you are better than before
If you can breathe and smell more easily than before the operation
Aesthetic Your nose surgery is successful.

Nose Care is Important for Good Healing After Nose Aesthetics!
Your active participation in nose care after nose surgery is as important as surgery.

After nose surgery; Pay attention to the following rules and follow the recommendations in the First 24 Hours, First 3 Days, First 1 Week and First 1 Month.

Please follow the suggestions listed below. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor about things you do not understand.

Things to consider in the first 24 hours after rhinoplasty;

When you come out of surgery, you will have a plastic splint over your nose. This splint is important for shaping and protecting the nose. Do not touch the splint on the nose.
The pad under the nose can be changed as needed and can be removed completely if there is no bleeding.
While sleeping or resting, you should lie flat and keep your head upright with at least two pillows higher than your torso.
You may experience fatigue and fatigue due to the anesthetic drugs you have taken during the surgery. This will subside in a few days and you will feel better. Sometimes there may be insomnia.
It is important to drink enough fluids. The juice, water and light drinks you will drink will alleviate the dry mouth caused by mouth breathing. Do not use a straw. Eat soft, easily chewed foods. You can use gels or lip balms to keep your lips moist.
You should keep your nostrils and stitches moist by applying ointment.
Brush your teeth carefully and use only a soft toothbrush. Do not pucker your lips or try to lift your upper lip higher than it actually needs.
Only use the drugs prescribed by your doctor. Do not use aspirin or drugs containing aspirin or drugs that prevent blood clotting.
You should use the antibiotic regularly until it is finished. Do not use pain reliever unless necessary. If you need to take painkillers, you have to be full.

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