What Should Be Considered After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

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It is necessary to know how to do "Nose Care" and "Nose Cleaning" after Aesthetic Nose Surgery. Because after the surgery is over, careful nasal and intranasal cleaning should be done as well as protecting the nose from impacts in order to ensure the healthy progression of the nasal healing process and the desired shape of your nose. When the rhinoplasty operation is concluded, you are taken to the room for rest and from this moment the nose surgery care begins. Doing your part in addition to the recommendations of the Aesthetics Doctor and the care of the health personnel will contribute to achieving the Result of Nose Aesthetics that you dream of.

There is a long recovery period after Aesthetic Nose Surgery, and it is necessary to be patient to get the desired nose result. Compliance with the recommendations and active participation in nose care after plastic surgery is as important as the surgery your doctor performs with the operation. Please follow the suggestions listed below. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor about things you do not understand.

  • When you come out of surgery, you will have a plastic splint on your nose. This splint is important for shaping and protecting the nose. Do not touch the splint on the nose.
  • The pad under the nose can be changed as needed and can be removed completely if there is no bleeding.
  • While sleeping or resting, you should lie flat and keep your head upright with at least two pillows higher than your torso.
  • You may experience fatigue and fatigue due to the anesthetic drugs you have taken during the surgery. This will subside in a few days and you will feel better. Sometimes there may be insomnia.
  • It is expected that there will be some pink light red oozing from your nose. After the first two days, its color will lighten, decrease and stop. If red blood is constantly coming and the amount is high, you should notify your doctor by phone.
  • After Nasal Aesthetic Surgery, you may not be able to breathe easily through your nose due to the soft silicone tubes and blood clots in the nose. During this period, you must breathe through your mouth.
  • It is important to drink enough fluids. The juice, water and light drinks you will drink will alleviate the dry mouth caused by mouth breathing. Do not use a straw. Eat soft, easily chewed foods. You can use gels or lip balms to keep your lips moist.
  • You should keep your nostrils and stitches moist by applying ointment.Brush your teeth carefully and use only a soft toothbrush. Do not purse your lips or try to lift your upper lip more than is actually necessary.
  • Only use the drugs prescribed by your doctor. Do not use aspirin or drugs containing aspirin or drugs that prevent blood clotting.
  • You should use your antibiotics regularly until they are finished. Do not use pain reliever unless necessary. If you need to take painkillers, you have to be full.
  • You can also apply ice around your eyes the day after the operation. It reduces your pain and bleeding.
  • You may have swelling on your forehead and around your eyes, and bruises around your eyes and whites of your eyes. Do not worry. Swelling will go away in a week, bruises in 2-3 weeks.
  • When getting out of bed; First, sit on the edge of the bed, press the floor with your feet, keep your head up and look ahead. Wait until your body adjusts to the new position. Get up slowly. If you feel dizzy or nauseous, immediately lie down, put support under your feet and legs, raise them a little higher than your body and rest until you feel better.
  • Headache, dizziness, nausea may occur. Bloody vomit and black stools can be seen due to the blood you swallow. Your fluid-based diet will speed up your recovery.
  • Spend the first 5 days calmly and resting after the Nose Operation. Avoid sudden movements.
  • You can take a shower and wash your hair without wetting the splint on the nose.
  • You must be full for your checkups and please make an appointment to avoid waiting too long.
  • 10-14 days after the operation. The splint and silicone tubes on the nose will be removed on these days. You will not feel much discomfort during these procedures.
  • Your nose may be stuffy even after the silicone tubes are removed. This is the normal response of tissues to surgery. Do not attempt to blow your nose for a week. When you have to sneeze or blow your nose, do it gently with both nostrils open. Do not use nasal sprays or drops. If you have to sneeze, sneeze with your mouth open.
  • After your silicone tubes are removed, you should do intranasal care. This is important for preventing adhesions and breathing comfortably. Squeeze the seawater spray into both nostrils and gently exhale. Do not touch the tip of your nose with your hand. You can wipe the wetness with a napkin from the upper lip. If you have bleeding, apply ice around the eyes, do not pinch your nose with your hand.
  • When the splint on your nose is removed, you will notice some swelling and discoloration in the surrounding tissues. Your nose may appear swollen and tipped up. This will correct itself over time.
  • The first appearance of your nose after surgery may surprise you. Remember to be patient and realistic. Do not forget that your nose has undergone a surgical intervention and will improve over time and will be much better. It may take 6 to 12 months for your nose to fully heal.
  • It will take time to get used to your new look. You will see that your nose and face are getting better day by day. You have to give yourself some time and be patient.
  • After the dressings are removed, you can return to your normal work life. Makeup can be used to help hide small bruises.
  • For two weeks after your surgery, avoid straining, bending over, lifting heavy things (especially your small children), effortful exercises and sports.
  • You may feel numbness at the tip of your nose and sometimes in your upper lip. This will decrease over time.
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for a month.
  • Do not wear glasses for two months unless it is necessary at the end of the surgery. Goggles may only be worn with the plaster wire in place. After this period, it should be hung on your forehead with a piece of tape. You will be shown how this is done.
  • If you unintentionally get a blow to your nose at the end of the operation, you should contact your doctor immediately.
  • It will take a year for your nose to take its final shape. Sometimes changes can take up to two years, especially in thick-skinned noses. If there is a situation that requires intervention, it can be done one year after the operation.
  • Make sure you go to all your appointments after Nose Aesthetic Surgery. These are necessary for postoperative photos to be taken for your doctor to monitor your recovery and the development of your nose, and to evaluate the improvement in the appearance of your nose. Postoperative appointments are usually given at 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and first year.

After that, your doctor may want to see you every year, if time and opportunity allow.


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